Research and Resources
How We Measure Efficacy
Visual Plant Observations:

Visual Soil Observations:

Full Reports and Studies
EnSoil Algae™ Growers Report
This is a comprehensive document with results from around the country.
Rutgers University Study with Dr. James White - Phase I
Rutgers University Study on EnSoil Algae’s role in Rhizophagy ~Very Exciting News!
Rutgers University Study with Dr. James White - Phase 2
How do live cells differ from commercial broth?
Southern Valley Pepper Trial
Squeeze Citrus with Herb Young
University of Hawaii (FULL STUDY)
University of Hawaii (SUMMARY)
White Papers and Articles
Angus Journal Daily
Improve Soil Biodiversity to Increase Profitability
Acres USA Magazine
Green Living: Green algae stimulate the growth of soil microorganisms.
Info Packet
Growers Report
Info Card
Why Live Cell
Application Protocol
EnSoil Algae™ vs Seaweed Extracts
Plant and Soil Biology Terms

Bio-stimulant: any biological substance or microorganism applied on plants to stimulate natural processes including improving nutrition efficiency and density of the plant, stress tolerance and adaptation, soil water holding capacity, and soil health including microbe activity. EnSoil Algae™ is a powerful bio-stimulant

Soil microbe: a bacteria, archaebacteria, fungi, virus, or protozoa living in soil. A gram of soil can contain millions of microbes

Rhizophagy: a cycle occurring in the rhizosphere (the ecosystem of the soil) where microbes move between endophytic states (meaning inside the plant or algae cells) and free-moving in the soil. This includes an oxidation (oxygen-related chemical interaction) phase where nutrients, brought in by the microbes, are extracted from the microbes and benefit the plant

Synthetic NPK Input: a chemically produced fertilizer aimed to add Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) to the plant, containing no biologicals

Nitrogen Fixation: the process where soil microbes take in Nitrogen gas (N2) from the atmosphere to chemically bond to other elements, forming compounds (nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia) used by plants for growth and health

The three main Soil Nutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Nitrogen promotes plant growth and is found in chlorophyll. Phosphorus helps the plant use energy from the sun and promotes root growth. Potassium helps the plant be resistant to diseases. There are other soil nutrient including Calcium, Magnesium and others found in small amounts

Brix analysis: a test measuring BRIX (sugars, vitamins, minerals, proteins) inside a plant’s sap. This is done by measuring light reflection
Annotated Bibliography

Abd-El-Baky HH, et al. “Algal extract improves antioxidant defense abilities and salt tolerance of wheat plants irrigated with sea water.” African J Biochem Res (2008) 2:151-164.

Agwa OK, Ogugbue CJ, Williams EE. “Field evidence of
Chlorella vulgaris potentials as a biofertilizer for Hibiscus
esculentus (okra).” Int J Agric Res. (2017) 12:181-189.

Albrecht, Ute. “Plant biostimulants: definition and overview of categories and effects.” UF/IFAS Extension Service, Univ of Florida. (2019), Publication HS1330.
researched and in use around the world.

Bumandalai O., Rentsenkhand T. “Effect of chlorella vulgaris as a biofertilizer on germination of tomato and cucumber seeds.” Int. J. Aquat. Biol (2019) 7:95-99.

Florenzano G, Balloni W, Materassi R. “Algal organic matter and plant growth.” (1978) Zentrakbk Bakteriol Naturwiss 133:379-84.

Effect of Chlorella vulgaris on Growth and Photosynthetic Pigment Content in Swiss Chard (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla)

Hajnal-Jafari, TI, Duric S, Stamenov DR. “Influence of green algae Chlorella vulgaris on initial growth of different agricultural crops.” Matica Srpska Journal for Natural Sciences. (2016) 130: 29-33.

Kusvuran A, Kusvuran S. “Using microbial fertilizer as biostimulant alleviates damage from drought stress in Guar Seedlings.” International letters of natural sciences. 2019. ISSN: 2300-9675, 76:145-157.

Kim JM, Shim CK, et al. “Effect of biostimulator chlorella fusca on improving growth and qualities of Chinese chives and spinach in organic farm.” The Plant Path J (2019) 34:567-574.

Mulvaney, RL, Khan SA, Ellsworth TR. “Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers deplete soil nitrogen: a global dilemma for sustainable cereal production.” J Environ Quality (2009) 38:2295-2314.
These two papers from the University of Illinois show that soil content of nitrogen and organic carbon declines with prolonged use of NPK. Organic matter measured with routine soil testing is roughly equivalent to organic carbon. Thus, with extended use, NPK causes a decline in fertility.

Righini H., Roberti R., Baraldi E. “Use of algae in strawberry management.” J Applied Phycology. 2018. 30: 1-14. (Italy)

Singh S. “A review on possible elicitor molecules of cyanobacteria: their role in improving plant growth and providing tolerance against biotic or abiotic stress.” J Applied Microbiology (2014) 117:121-1244. (India)

Microalgae ( Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck) alleviates drought stress of broccoli plants by improving nutrient uptake, secondary metabolites, and antioxidative defense system
This study examined using Chlorella vulgaris foliar sprays to help broccoli plants withstand drought stress.

Foliar Spray Application of Chlorella vulgaris Extract Effect on the Growth of Lettuce Seedlings
This study investigated using a Chlorella vulgaris extract as a foliar spray on lettuce seedlings. Results showed significant increases in growth, nutrient content, and metabolic activity in both shoots and roots.

Taha TM, Youssef MA. “Improvement of growth parameters of Zea mays (corn) and properties of soil inoculated with two Chlorella species.” Rep Opin (2015) 7:22-27.