Product and ROI

EnSoil Algae™ is a patent-pending bio-stimulant formulation of Chlorella vulgaris, that stimulates and grows microbial populations in the soil drawing down carbon – a key to nutrient cycling and crop resilience. It is registered and licensed for sale and use in all 50 states and is OMRI-listed in the U.S. and Canada for use in organic growing.

An enhanced live cell green algae in a mixotrophic state, EnSoil Algae™ is best used six months from harvest, enabling producers to store and apply within optimal windows with any other tank-mixed inputs.

EnSoil Algae™ is scientifically proven to deliver the full range of benefits attributed to biostimulants;

  • Increased soil microbial populations, activity, biodiversity, and soil organic matter
  • Increased plant growth & yield with a reduction in chemical fertilizer (NPK)
  • Enhanced leaf chlorophyll & photosynthetic capacity
  • Increased plant resistance to stress from drought, salinity, and pathogens
  • Increased water retention and infiltration capacity
How it Works

How It Works

  • Soil microbes are stimulated. Population and biodiversity increase.
  • Plants attract soil microbes. Nutrient availability increases.
  • Microbes convert atmospheric and soil nitrogen to compounds needed for photosynthesis.
  • During photosynthesis, plants convert atmospheric CO₂ into carbon-based sugars for growth and draw down additional carbon into the soil.
  • Plant chlorophyll and photosynthetic capacity increase.
  • Yields, nutrient cycling, and soil microbial activity increase.

Product Usage & Application Protocols

A liquid concentrate that delivers 50,000 cells of algae per square foot of soil with one quart (32. oz.) covering up to 4.5 acres. Both foliar and soil-direct application, EnSoil Algae™ can be applied through conventional irrigation systems and is easily integrated into all existing fertility programs.

  • Sold in 8oz., 16 oz., 1-quart, 1-gallon, 2.5-gallon, and 5-gallon containers, EnSoil Algae™ should be diluted in water at a rate of 8 ounces per acre or 1 tsp per gallon of water.
  • Can be integrated into all existing fertility programs and applications can be tank mixed and applied with standard grower inputs including but not limited to post-herbicide, NPK, primer, fungicide, etc. and can be at planting, foliar, side dress (coulter or knife)

Applied with any standard irrigation equipment, including in furrow irrigation systems, pivots, pull-behind sprayers, drones, Y-drop, drip irrigation, soil injection, backpack sprayers, etc.

Can be mixed with other liquid inputs at the time of application, but not before.

Can be applied at any time of day. We recommend applying in early morning or evening to avoid the midday heat.

Best kept out of direct heat and sunlight. If possible, refrigeration is recommended.

Our Grower Support Team provides a full crop-specific consultation for every client using EnSoil Algae™ as an agricultural input.

New Label Jug
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Production- Scale Timing Specifics by Crop Type

  • Corn: In-furrow, V3-V6, V8-tassel
  • Soybeans: In-furrow, V8, R1-R2
  • Forage & Hay: 3-4 times per growing season, after each cutting or grazing (*animals do not need to be removed from pasture to apply*)
  • Vegetables: At Seed, Post-Emergence, Flower/Fruit, Cover Crop
  • Grass & Turf: Every 2-4 weeks. Treat the EnSoil Algae™ application as you would a wetting agent.

Small Scale Specifics

  • one gallon of water (with 1 tsp EnSoil Algae ™) will cover approximately 1000 sq ft.
– If applying with hand or backpack sprayer, spray 2/3 on the soil around the roots, and 1/3 on the foliage.

Timing : once a week for 2 weeks, then once every 2-4 weeks

Frequently Asked Questions

Is EnSoil Algae™ organic?
EnSoil Algae™ is OMRI listed in both the United States and Canada for use in organic growing.
What equipment do I need to apply EnSoil Algae™?
Applying EnSoil Algae ™ is as easy as applying any liquid soil additive. You can use any kind of standard irrigation equipment: sprayer, pivot, drip irrigation, or a watering can.
How much EnSoil Algae™ should I apply?
The basic ratio for EnSoil Algae™ is 8 ounces per acre or 1 tsp per 1 gallon of water.
How much will 1 gallon of water with 1 tsp of EnSoil Algae™ cover?
Approximately 1,000 sq. ft.
Can EnSoil Algae™ be applied with other inputs in the same tank?
Yes. EnSoil Algae™ can be paired with other inputs. Pour in the EnSoil Algae™ right before applying to ensure any biological competition occurs in the soil, not in your tank.
Will EnSoil Algae™ help me reduce my usage of other inputs?
Yes. Initially, most growers add EnSoil Algae™ into their existing fertility plan. However, once the results of EnSoil Algae™ treatment are experienced, many growers reduce or eliminate NPK.
Will EnSoil Algae™ with herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides, harm the algae cells?
No. Herbicides work on C-3 plants (this refers to a chemical pathway early in their development). Algae are C-4 plants and do not share that pathway, so herbicides have no effect on EnSoil Algae™. Pesticides and fungicides do not have any effect on C. vulgaris. In fact, if an algae colony becomes contaminated with fungi, it is common practice to apply a fungicide to treat it.
How should I store EnSoil Algae™?
Out of direct heat and sunlight. We recommend refrigeration, if possible. Most clients who purchase for larger-scale agricultural purposes, generally order EnSoil Algae™ when they are ready to put it down, so no refrigeration is necessary.
What is the best time of day to apply EnSoil Algae™?
We recommend that you not apply algae in the heat of the mid-day, summer, sun. If not applied with irrigation water (drip or spray), we suggest application shortly before irrigation. Before it rains is ideal. Most of us irrigate in the early morning or late afternoon, and application in close proximity to irrigation/watering works well. This approach facilitates penetration of algae through the topmost layer of soil.

The algae cells are quite tough and can tolerate temperature extremes and mechanical stress. We recommend that EnSoil Algae™ be applied through a back-pack sprayer or drip irrigation at dawn or dusk to allow the cells to penetrate below the sun exposed topsoil layer.

For center pivots and sprinkler irrigation systems, we recommend irrigating with EnSoil Algae™ at dusk only to allow it to penetrate the soil column more effectively.

Once the crop has grown and successfully covers the soil, UV radiation will penetrate the soil less, further allowing microbial numbers to increase on the soil surface.

How does pH affect EnSoil Algae™?
Tap water pH is about 7, as is most well water, and that is fine for the Chlorella vulgaris in EnSoil Algae™. Algae can tolerate a wide range of pH in water and soil, from 5.0 to 12. By the same token, algae tolerate salt water, as well.
Should EnSoil Algae™ be agitated before use?
Yes. When the algae concentrate has been on the shelf there is precipitation of cells to the bottom of the container. That is normal and does not indicate a problem with the algae cells. A gentle shake disperses the sediment quickly. EnSoil Algae ™ should be kept mixed during initial dilution with water. Large, commercial, tank sprayers commonly have an agitating system which is ideal for EnSoil Algae™
Will increasing the recommended amount of EnSoil Algae™ improve results?
While, adding a little extra EnSoil Algae™ for treatment will not cause negative effects, putting it down thicker does not necessarily make EnSoil Algae™ more effective. Fifty-thousand (50,000) cells applied to each sq. ft. produce enough stimulation to do the job.

More frequent applications (up to a one-week apart ) can be a great way to “jump start” a new garden, freshly seeded sod, or turf after a long winter. However, you would not want to treat an area or potted plants “every day.” There is some research that shows when algae is applied too frequently to soil it can slow down the microbial processes in the soil.

Do I need to pull back mulch or straw before applying EnSoil Algae™ ?
No. Mulches and straw do not need to be pulled back if EnSoil Algae™ is being watered in.
Can EnSoil Algae™ be harmful to humans or animals?
No. EnSoil Algae™ is not harmful to humans, animals, or the environment. Although it is not formulated for human or animal consumption, C. vulgaris is actually edible and has been used in cosmetics, food supplements, and livestock feed.

We do NOT recommend drinking EnSoil Algae™, but it is nontoxic if accidentally ingested.
There are no adverse effects upon skin contact, and EnSoil Algae™ produces no harmful fumes.

Can spraying EnSoil Algae™ on my farm lead to harmful algal bloom in nearby water?
No, algal blooms are usually caused by cyanobac- teria — so called “blue-green algae” and happens when soluble nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer reaches groundwater and then flows into rivers, lakes and oceans, where it fertilizes wild algae. EnSoil Algae™,(Chlorella vulgaris) being particulates, do not penetrate deeply into soil and so do not reach the groundwater.
Jessica Murison - “My mission is to improve the lives of farmers in pursuit of advancing environmental conservation technology.” While pursuing a Crop Science degree with a minor in Biotechnology from California Polytechnic State University, Jessica got first hand exposure to the significance California agriculture systems have on our daily lives. She then dedicated her next chapter to farming commodity seed crops in a fast-paced multi-season program, and gained more insight into agriculture technology's impact around the world. This fueled her pursuit of an M.S. in Molecular Bioscience and Bioengineering from University of Hawaii Manoa.
Jorge Abrego​ - “Coming to Enlightened Soil Corp in the capacity of Chief Marketing Officer is a fantastic opportunity. It's a privilege to impact the trajectory of a company whose proprietary living-cell algae technology is dedicated to helping farmers implement a profitable regenerative agriculture business model.” With over 27 years of advertising agency and B2B marketing experience, Jorge thrives on developing multi-disciplinary marketing strategies for hastening the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. As the recent Advertising Director at Acres U.S.A., Jorge has worked with a multitude of forward-thinking input companies in executing their GTM strategies and educating farmers on emerging techniques and science-based insights.
Camille lives by the words "when in doubt, ask nature." A true believer that our living world holds the answers we all are looking for, Camille holds a Bachelors of Arts in Education from Colorado College and a permaculture design certificate from Earth Activists Training. Prior to joining the ESC team, Camille worked as an emergency medical technician, taught middle school science, and farmed organic vegetables, grass-fed beef, and pasture-raised pork and poultry. Now rooted in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her partner and puppy, Camille spends her time writing poetry about the living and dying world, dancing to groovy live music, and trying to ground herself in the present moment.
Yazmeen holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and Sustainability from the College of Charleston. She has always been especially keen on protecting the environment and all living beings it embodies and feels most at home in nature hiking, surfing, meditating and digging her toes in dirt- the foundation of our life. She practices gratitude for Earth by committing to sustainable practices and being vegan. Yazmeen discovered that she could have the most significant impact on the environment through business after being apart of ImpactX. It is a rare and beautiful thing to completely intertwine one's passion with one's career, and Enlightened Soil has given Yazmeen the opportunity to do this. She held an 18-month Sales & Marketing Internship with Enlightened Soil Corp, managing social media channels and engaging in market research.
Stuart Williams is a pioneer of (1993 co-creator of the platform called “Making A Profit While Making a Difference” - for which he has been granted a Trademark), and a global leader in Impact Investing, Impact Entrepreneurship, and the Leadership and Management strategy known as Profit for Purpose. He is the creator of Impact Economics (Inclusive Capitalism) which is the future of Business, Capitalism, and Resilient and Inclusive Communities. After a rigorous 6-year pilot in Charleston, SC, Impact Economics is now being scaled across the world. It builds communities that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable for all of their residents. During his career, he has helped create almost $1B in realized shareholder value for the companies he started and sold, and or was an executive at. He is a renowned “Impact Ecosystems Architect”, advising Governments, Corporations, Families of Wealth, Community Leaders, and Foundations on how to embed Profit and Purpose strategies into their business, and personal, and public lives. He designed and still helps teach the award-winning, 6 credit ImpactX Class at the College of Charleston, plus Charleston’s free community class focused on inclusive Impact Entrepreneurship. Both classes allow people to participate in and personally benefit from the creation of a sustainable future. He is the founder of the Stuart Williams Impact Scholars program at The College of Charleston and of Impact Life Corp., a South Carolina Public Benefit Corporation purposed to help change the lives of unpaid family caregivers. He also mentors people wishing to make their Impact Dreams come true and created In Place Impact's global scholarship program, providing needs-based scholarships for people wishing to Make A Profit While Making a Difference in their own communities. Stuart is a Founder, CEO, Chairman, Speaker, Author, Mentor, and Board Member, and believes that: "What is in our heads makes us marginally dangerous to the status quo, but what is in our hearts makes us a global force to be reckoned with".
Andrew received his bachelor’s degree in Marine Science from Coastal Carolina University in 2003. He has 13 years of experience researching the taxonomy, life cycle, and ecology of Algae. He started his career at Baruch Marine Lab in Georgetown SC while still in school in 2001, and continued his work at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in Charleston, SC until 2009. He then transitioned over to work for the NOAA Phytoplankton Monitoring Network where he worked until shifting into research related to the taxonomy and distribution of deep-sea corals in 2014. Andrew says that "all of the work I’ve been a part of through the years has been driven by a desire to understand and conserve the balance of the natural environment, and I’m looking forward to applying that knowledge through Enlightened Soil Corp to improve global soil quality.
Frankie Riggs is a Charleston native who holds an M.A. in English from Bowling Green State University (OH). For over 20 years, she taught writing, literature, and communications at the college level. Frankie also has experience as a content writer, producing copy for several advertising companies that specialize in digital marketing. Additionally, she has a background in visual art. All of these skills have come in handy in her role as Director of Creative Marketing. She creates video ads for social media, produces En-Soil University instructional videos, and is the main contributor to brand content. ​ Years ago, Frankie decided that it was important to know where food comes from. Making educated consumer choices can affect both personal health and ecological sustainability. With that in mind, she is supportive of the local farming and fishing industry in SC, and is fascinated with organic gardening, wild-harvesting, and the healing properties of natural foods. When she found out George and Dale were starting a business that produces a live algal soil amendment for regenerative farming, she knew she wanted to help them out in any way she could. In May of 2020, Frankie began the detailed process of product licensing and registration in each of the 50 states. Along with marketing responsibilities, she is ESC's Compliance Coordinator, making sure the EnSoil Algae brand remains compliant with state agricultural regulators.
Chris Spaulding A veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, and a graduate of Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy in Salisbury, MD, Chris had dedicated nearly 20 years to a career in law enforcement and protection services before transitioning to Hydro Engineering. As Director of Operations at Watertech Equipment in Charleston, SC, Chris focused on documenting performance outcomes and Quality Assurance. While at Hydrozonix in Odessa, TX, he managed deployment, operations, and maintenance of advanced oxidation systems using ozone technology along with in-situ aeration applications. Subsequently, he went on to become Director of Operations at Blue Nano Technologies in Stuart, FL, a water remediation/treatment company. Chris says that "by joining the Enlightened Soil Corp team, I can leverage my knowledge of nano-bubble oxygen/ozone technology and dedicated myself to creating the pristine cultures Chlorella vulgaris needs to make En-Soil Algae."
Jennifer Wicker With decades of experience as an educator, and more than 10 years managing Sweetgrass Garden, Co-op, Jennifer is the face and voice of our EnSoil University instructional videos. In addition, Jennifer’s role at Enlightened Soil Corp is to work with George conducting on-farm research at Sweetgrass Garden, as well as local pastures using En-Soil on a wide variety of soils. Jennifer also is a successful grant writer, bringing in multiple grants, annually, to support on-farm research and business development. She also enjoys selling EnSoil, and works with sales and marketing with a focus on pastureland, produce farms, and private homes.
Tucker has spent his career in business development in the Charleston community. Originally from El Paso, TX with stops at The University of Mississippi and Atlanta, GA, he found a home in Charleston with his wife, Merideth, and their two daughters. His 20-year career in business has included contribution and leadership efforts for three successful tech startups that have grown to maturity. His focus is on business development and building meaningful relationships. All of his business experiences share important characteristics: innovative products, driven and compassionate people, and an obsessive commitment to service. Like many of the best things in his life, Tucker was lead to Enlightened Soil Corp by his wife. He feels this is a lifetime opportunity to help dedicated people realize the vision of a planet with healthy soil free of synthetic-chemical fertilizers. We will "do well by doing good" by finding like-minded people and recognizing how we can help their businesses and their missions succeed along with our own.
Merideth is a native of Mississippi and grew up exploring and photographing the vast backroads, gardens, farms, and dairies in her family history. Her experiences in these landscapes really shaped her purpose in life. A life-long learner, with a curiosity and wonder that can be attributed to her dad. She received a Journalism degree at the University of Mississippi and followed with a concentrated study of traditional and alternative photography at the Creative Circus in Atlanta, GA. She went on to work for several publications before starting her own freelance photography business in 2008. Merideth has raised two daughters in Charleston, SC. She was drawn to the community, its beauty, and to the familiar rural landscapes of home. An avid grower of food, a constant promoter of permaculture, and gardens that support life, Merideth has evolved a 15-year hobby into a new career. Merideth is a certified permaculturalist and a master rain gardener. She is focused on permaculture and regenerative methods for land repair and water protection. Merideth’s first encounter with EnSoil Algae and the way it nourished the soil and the plant life is a milestone day in her life. The knowledge we need to design and develop a sustainable and regenerative culture has been provided by our ancestors and from all living systems in place on Earth. Eureka! All we need to do is to listen. Driven by a deep desire to help heal people, communities, and to heal Mother Earth, Merideth find’s her fulfillment in helping people realize their dreams and supporting these dreamers at grassroots levels. She believes our strength is in our ability to collaborate to promote balance and resilience. We can do so much better. She is passionate about connecting humans with nature and with each other. She is here to act as a bridge in our community to foster those connections that ensure a sacred, healthy ecology and fair and balanced economy.
Dale Snyder : A native of Ohio, Dale was born and raised on the west side of Cleveland. He holds a B.A. in Literature from Ohio University and an M.A. in English Literature from Eastern Michigan University. In addition, he studied Television Production and Direction at New York University, all of which led to a 30-year career in the media industry, including management positions at TeleRep in NYC, WTAT-TV in Charleston, WJZY-TV in Charlotte, ABRY Communications in Baltimore, and Litton Entertainment in Charleston. After retiring from television, Dale joined the board of Sweetgrass Garden Co-op, Inc., a not-for-profit farm dedicated to growing healthful produce for the poor and hungry on Johns Island and Wadmalaw Island, SC. In keeping with the farm’s mission to alleviate food scarcity, he completed Trident Technical College’s Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture course in 2010, graduated in the first class of Clemson’s SC New and Beginning Farmers Program in 2011, attended Clemson’s NxLevel Entrepreneurship course in 2012, and was named to the board of the Sea Island Hunger Awareness Foundation in 2017. Today, Dale is the Farm Manager at Sweetgrass Garden on Johns Island, where he oversees the practices of Hueglekultur and organic growing. Dale has worked on a number of trial-based grants that explore the efficacy of natural soil amendments. Dale says that "getting involved with the team at Enlightened Soil Corp has taken my interest in natural farming to the next level".
Dr. George Taylor is a life-long gardener, and one of the founding members of the Sweetgrass Garden Co-op, a non-profit community garden on Johns Island, SC. In addition to working the garden, he has participated in a number of field trials and SARE grants testing organic fertilizer approaches. That is how he developed an interest in live algae as a biofertilizer. He was asked to conduct randomized studies comparing live algae with mushroom compost and unfertilized soil. Because of positive results with multiple plant species, he became an early investor in Enlightened Soil Corp. Today, he continues to do field trials and is testing algae’s effectiveness as a bio-stimulant in different settings, most recently, turf. Current studies will determine the optimal application schedule. In his non-gardening life, he is a professor of medicine (cardiology) at the Medical University of South Carolina. He has had broad experience as a clinical researcher and has observed that the design of research trials in medicine and agriculture are remarkably similar.